Announcing the Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force

AKA 2009 Dry Hydrant Grant Program

The Vermont Rural Fire and Protection Task Force is offering funding to enable towns to improve fire suppression capabilities and implement their water supply plans. This maybe the last year that the money is offered so please apply.

Applications must be received in the Northern Vermont Resource Conservation & Development Council Office by May 1, 2009.

The maximum funding available to any individual installation will be $2,500.

A 25% local match is required. The match can be met through pre-owned material as well as in-kind services such as volunteer time and equipment usage.

All work must be completed as soon as possible.

It is the town and or fire departments responsibility to collect all permits.

Go to this website for my information on the Dry Hydrant Grant Program:;/NoVT/Projects/Rural_Fire_Protection/RuralFireTaskForce.html

Please call anyone listed below for more information:
Troy Dare, Engineering Technician, (802) 828-4582,
Jarrod Becker, Grant Administrator, (802) 828-4583,
Beth Ann Finlay, Coordinator, Northern VT RC&D;, (802) 828-4595
Ken Hafner, Coordinator, George D. Aiken RC&D; (802) 728-9526
