Brownfields Grant Workshops Announced

EPA New England is hosting three half-day meetings for New England entities interested in applying for EPA Brownfields Assessment, Cleanup, or Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) competitive grants. Representatives from EPA will go over the application guidelines and provide attendees with “tips and tricks” for submitting a successful application.

For more information, please send an e-mail to New England Brownfields Grant Outreach Meetings

Hosted by: EPA New England

Attendees: New England towns, cities, and municipalities; planning and redevelopment organizations and other interested parties

Dates & Locations:

September 9, 2009
Rensselaer at Hartford
275 Windsor St. Hartford, CT 06120

September 10, 2009
Levi Lincoln Room and Esther Howland Chambers, Worcester City Hall
455 Main St., Worcester, MA

September 17, 2009
Sheraton Harborside
250 Market Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801

For additional information about brownfields or to recieved a copy of the workshop registration form contact CLare Rock, Regional Planner at or call 802.229.0389.
