Community Center – Montpelier Survey

The City of Montpelier is seeking input on needs that could be met by a new community center in Montpelier on Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 6:30 PM in the Memorial Room at City Hall. Mayor Mary Hooper will be the moderator. This effort is part of a two track approach for determining the future of the Montpelier Senior Activity Center.

The first track will develop a plan based upon the work of a real estate consultant who will recommend the best use of 58 Barre Street and possibly other structures that may be studied. A Community Development Block Grant application is about to be submitted for this purpose. If awarded, the grant funds would be available as early as January 2010.

The other track is consideration of a community center that would offer many services including multigenerational recreation in an energy efficient building with adequate parking. If successful, this would include funds for a new Montpelier Senior Activity Center.

Meetings are also being planned with the School Department and the Recreation Department to discover needs that may be changing over time.

Surrounding communities will be welcome to contribute their input at 6:30PM on Wednesday July 22, 2009 at the Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce conference room next to the United Way office at 963 Paine Turnpike, Berlin.

The first draft of the plan along with a list of possible sites will be presented to the Montpelier City Council when they meet on Wednesday September 9. The goal is to find innovative ways to meet future needs with minimal impact on taxpayers in Montpelier and surrounding towns.

For more information contact the Montpelier City Manager’s Office
William Fraser, City Manager, 223-9502
