Future Land Use: CVRPC needs your feedback! 


Excerpt from Central Vermont’s Draft Future Land Use map. Click image for more info.

What: Staff have developed a draft Future Land Use element, and CVRPC is now collecting comments and feedback.  For a full understanding of the draft Future Land Use element, the following materials will be helpful:


  • Text of the draft Future Land Use element additions, available here, that includes more detailed planning area descriptions and accompanying policies and strategies.
  • Explanation of how staff designated draft future land uses, available here.
  • Future Land Use map, which delineates Future Land Use planning areas
    (above link will present various viewing options)


When:  An initial round of comments will be collected until April 8, though comments are still able to be received after that date.  Public hearings on CVRPC’s Regional Plan update will take place on May 12 and June 9, 2015.


How: To view the map and offer comments, you have several options.


  1. View the map at a regional scale.
  2. View the map in the Community Input Map tool to allow for detailed viewing of the map and location-based comments.  Viewers can zoom into sections of the map at a high resolution and leave comments or questions on specific locations.  To do so, click “add a comment” and follow the instructions.  Points representing Hamlets and Resort Centers are not available within this map viewer, but delineated boundaries of all other proposed planning areas are available.
  3. View the map at a local scale with parcel boundaries and local roads visible.


Input can be received by staff via email, phone (802-229-0389) or via the Community Input Map tool.


Why: According to State Statute, all Regional Plans must include a “land use element, which shall consist of a map and statement of present and prospective land uses” (24 V.S.A. § 4348). The map identifies general planning areas that will be used to guide land use and development in the Central Vermont Region over the next eight year regional planning cycle.  As per our ACCD contract requirements, CVRPC is currently updating the Land Use element of the 2008 Regional Plan to address this specific statutory requirement by June 30, 2015.  The full Plan update will be adopted in 2016.


All materials are still in draft form, and do not currently represent the final version of the Future Land Use element.
