Hazard Mitigation
Hazard Mitigation
Vermont Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
VT Emergency Management accepts Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) applications from towns and agencies in all Vermont counties on a rolling basis.
The program expects to announce a call for projects in Spring 2018.
HMGP grants cover 75% of a project’s costs. Projects such as flood-proofing public buildings, elevating private and public buildings, property acquisitions, culvert improvements, and many others have been completed in the past with HMGP funds, with local jurisdictions or private property owners covering 25% of the work through in-kind or cash.
If your city or town has a hazard mitigation idea now is the time to apply! Call us if you need help or wish to explore a potential project.
For assistance contact State Hazard Mitigation Officer Stephanie Smith (stephanie.smith@state.vt.us; 802-241-5258; 802-241-5258).
Welcome to the VT Emergency Management Mitigation web page
Hazard mitigation funds are available to municipalities and other organizations to help reduce or eliminate loss of life and property by taking measures to reduce the impacts of future disasters.
The VEM Mitigation Team supports other state agencies, non-profits, Regional Planning Commissions and municipalities in applying for and implementing FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) projects. We also support Regional Planning Commissions and municipalities in conducting natural hazard mitigation planning, and developing FEMA-approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plans.
“Hazard Mitigation” is sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and their property from hazards.
Building Whole Community Engagement Through Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC)
HMGP Application and Requirements