Regional Energy Planning
Approved Regional Energy Plan
Through a contract with the Department of Public Services, the Bennington County Regional Commission has subcontracted with the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission to develop a comprehensive regional energy plan. This plan will identify goals and policies that can be implemented on a regional level to met the State of Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy Plan goal of having 90% of the state’s energy produced by renewable sources by 2050.
Ultimately, the comprehensive energy plan will serve as the basis for identifying the Region’s overall energy needs and planning for efficient use of energy related resources. Also, this plan will serve as a resource for municipalities interested in developing local comprehensive energy plans in order to receive “substantial deference” when applying for certificate of public good are being reviewed by the Public Service Board. For more information on municipal energy planning see the “Municipal Energy Planning” tab under “Energy”.
Regional Energy Committee
In 2016 and 2017, the Regional Energy Committee worked to develop an Energy Plan for the Central Vermont Region that will be consistent with the Energy Planning Standards developed through Act 174.
The following links provide more information on the activities of the Regional Energy Committee.
Minutes & Agendas
For Regional Energy Committee minutes & agendas, please scroll to the bottom of the linked page.
State Resources:
Vermont Comprehensive Energy Plan 2016
Prepared by the Vermont Public Service Department
Vermont Total Energy Study 2014
Prepared by the Vermont Public Service Department
Energy Planning Standards for Regional Plans 2016
Prepared for by the Vermont Public Service Department | The Central Vermont Regional Energy Plan will be reviewed for compliance by the Public Service Department using these standards.
Regional Energy Standards – Abridged 2016
Prepared by the Vermont Public Service Department
Regional Resources:
CVRPC Regional Energy Committee Presentation 12.12.16
Prepared by the CVRPC | This presentation, an overview/introduction of the Regional Energy Planning Initiative, was given to the Regional Energy Committee at its first meeting on 12.12.16.
Regional Energy Potential & Constraint Maps:
Regional Hydroelectric Resources Map
Regional Woody Biomass Resources
The Draft Known, Possible and Regional Constraint Maps have been finalized and are available for download and viewing below.
DRAFT Energy Plan Known Constraints Map
These constraints signal likely, though not absolute, unsuitability for development based on statewide or local regulation or designated critical resources.
DRAFT Energy Plan Possible Constraints Map
These constraints signals conditions that would likely require mitigation, and which may prove a site unsuitable after site-specific study, based on statewide or regional/local policies that are currently adopted or in effect.
DRAFT Energy Plan Regional Constraints Map
These constraints signal likely, though not absolute, unsuitability for development based on statewide or local regulation or designated critical resources. This list of constraints includes those areas currently under review by CVRPC’s Energy Committee and Board of Commissioners for consideration as possible Regional Constraints.
“Act 174 Portal” 2016
The Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI) has created this portal with links to GIS shapefiles for all of the Known and Possible constraint layers referenced in the standards. | NOTE: Some of the layers are still under development and will become complete in the coming weeks.
Glossary of Constraint Layers 2017
This is an addendum document that was developed by CVRPC staff and included with the Regional Energy Survey that was distributed to municipal entities. It includes definitions of the known, possible and proposed regional constraint layers.
Energy Survey FAQ 2017
This FAQ sheet was developed in response to questions received concerning the Regional Energy Survey that was distributed to municipal entities.
LEAP Modeling:
Outputs and Methodology for CVRPC
Prepared for the CVRPC by the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC) | The Long Range Energy Alternative Planning System (LEAP) Model is an energy budgeting model that sets pathways for Vermont to achieve its goal of 90% renewable energy use by 2050.