Northfield Town Forest Access Feasibility Study Information


The Town of Northfield and the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission engaged a multi-disciplinary team to conduct a feasibility study to establish and enhance accessibility to Northfield’s municipal forest. The intent of the study was to identify opportunities and make recommendations to facilitate greater access to the town forest for Northfield residents of all ages and abilities.

The study was conducted by a team of planning experts and key stakeholders, led by Dubois and King Inc., a multi-discipline firm with extensive expertise in planning and community engagement.


Project Documents

The Final Report is available for review!  Click here to view the pdf.

Thank you for your input!

The findings from the the first survey and the follow-up survey on preliminary designs have been collected and the results have been included in the draft report linked above.

Project Check-in Meetings

October Meeting Notes

Community Site Visits (Completed)

The projects consultants three site walks to meet with residents and discuss how forest access could be improved in Northfield.

Wednesday, September 8, 6PM

Sunday, September 19, 9:30AM

Thursday, September 23, 6PM

Community Forum (Completed)

A hybrid meeting was hosted in the community room at the Brown Public Library and virtually.

Tuesday, September 14, 5:30PM


Project contact:

Christian Meyer, Senior Planner, CVRPC