Regional Emergency Management Committee

Central Vermont REMC Meeting Agendas, Packets, and Meeting Minutes

LEPC #5 Transitioning to Central Vermont REMC

CVRPC will be providing administrative support to the Central Vermont Regional Emergency Management Committee (REMC). REMCs are the new all-hazards group formed to coordinate emergency planning and preparedness in each region following the consolidation of LEPCs into one statewide LEPC.

Central Vermont REMC Background and Key Duties 

The Central Vermont REMC will coordinate and support regional all-hazards activities (planning, training, and exercising), in partnership with Vermont Emergency Management (VEM), the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), and the new Statewide Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC).  CVRPC provides administrative support, including taking meeting minutes, with funding from VEM. REMCs will have access to competitive grant funding (e.g., Homeland Security, Hazard Mitigation).

The Central Vermont REMC will:

  • Meet at least quarterly.
  • Develop and maintain.

    REMC Boundaries (source: VEM REMC Statewide Guidance)

    Regional Implementation Plan that includes.

    • Regional contact information
    • Regional resources
    • Regional mutual aid agreements


REMC voting members will consist of 2 members from each municipality in the region: 1 EMDs/EMCs and 1 representative from the emergency services community (fire, EMS, etc.)

Representatives from fire departments, emergency medical services, law enforcement, media, transportation, hospitals, the department of health district office, organizations serving vulnerable populations, and any other interested public or private individual or organization, are welcome to attend and participate.

**Tier 2 Reporting**

Tier 2 reports were previously sent to LEPC#5. Following the consolidation of LEPCs into one statewide LEPC, please send Tier 2 reports to 


More information coming soon!