
Executive Committee

Meets: Monthly on Monday of week prior  to Commission meeting, 4:00 pm.  Agendas can be found here.

Members:  3 officers and 4 at-large Commissioners


  • Act on  behalf of the Commission in absence of a Commission quorum
  • Approve budgets, contracts & audits
  • Add/eliminate staff and approve contractors
  • Amend Personnel Policies
  • Approve policy actions
  • Recommend positions to be taken
  • Approve Commission agendas

Project Review Committee

Meets: Monthly (as needed), 4:00 pm.  Agendas can be found here.

Members: 5 Commissioners or Alternate Commissioner, 1 alternate, and project’s host municipality Commissioner; one member must be an Executive Committee member


  • Determine Act 250/Section 248 project conformance with the Regional Plan

Regional Plan Committee

Meets:  Monthly, on 1st Tuesday, 4:00 pm.  Agendas can be found here.

Members: 5 Commissioners or Alternate Commissioners


  • Develop and recommend updates to the Regional Plan

Municipal Plan Review Committee

Meets: As needed.  Agendas can be found here.

Members: 5 Commissioners or Alternate Commissioners


  • Review municipal plans for conformance to statutory requirements
  • Recommend Regional Approvals

Transportation Advisory Committee

Meets: Monthly on 4th Tuesday, 6:30 pm.  Agendas can be found here.

Members:  Appointed representatives from each member town


  • Recommend Transportation Planning Initiative work program & budget to Executive Committee
  • Recommend Regional Plan transportation element
  • Prioritize state-funded transportation projects
  • Prioritize transportation projects funded by the Commission’s TPI program

Clean Water Advisory Committee

Meets:  As needed.  Agendas can be found here.

Members: 3 Commissioners, 5 municipal representatives, 1 interested stakeholder


  • Identify activities, policies, and direction for CVRPC’s clean water support
  • Determine CVRPC direction and goals regarding the Lake Champlain TMDL, Tactical Basin Plans, and the Regional Plan

Winooski Basin Water Quality Council

Meets:  Monthly, on 3rd Thursday – Agendas can be found here. 

Members:  Representatives from  2 Regional Planning Commissions, 2 Natural Resource Conservation Districts, 2 Watershed organizations, 2 Municipalities. 1 Conservation organization

Duties:  Establishes policy and makes decisions for the CWSP regarding the most significant water quality impairments that exist in the basin and prioritizing the projects that will address those impairments based on the basin plan.

Brownfields Advisory Committee

Meets: Monthly on 3rd Monday, 6:00 pm – Agendas can be found here.   | Rules of Procedure


  • Voting – 4 Commissioners and 1 alternate:  Janet Shatney, Barre City; Ron Krauth, Middlesex; Lee Cattaneo, Orange; Alice Farrell, Barre Town; Peter Carbee, Washington (Alternate Member); Interest Group Representatives:  Economic – CVEDC; Health – VT Dept. of Health; At Risk Populations – Capstone Community Action; Housing & Community Development – Downstreet Housing; Environment – vacant; Finance – vacant; Real Estate – vacant
  • Non-voting members: EPA, VT Agency of Commerce, VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation


  • Oversee CVRPC Brownfields Program
  • Prioritize sites for assessment funds
  • Participate in hiring contractors
  • Recommend brownfield-related policy
  • Participate in public engagement

Nominating Committee

Meets: As needed, usually between February and April –  Agendas can be found here.   | Rules of Procedure

Members:  3 Commissioners or Alternate Commissioners


  • Nominate officers and at-large members of the Executive Committee
  • Nominate members for standing and special committees of the Board
  • Appoint CVRPC representatives to other organizations