$1.3 Million Granted to Vermont Schools for Safety Projects

The Vermont Agency of Transportation announced that 22 schools received a total of $1.3 Million in Infrastructure Awards through the Agency’s Safe Routes to School Program. “Safe Routes to School is about kids walking and biking to school regularly, routinely, and safely,” said VTrans Secretary David Dill. “The program is an opportunity to have schools and comminities work together to solve some of the pressing safety, environmental and health challenges.”

Schools that receiving grants in the CVRPC area include:
Warren School for radar feedback signs and feasibility study.
Moretown Elementary School for installing radar signs, upgrading signage and crosswalk markings.
Waitsfield Elementary for upgrades to school signs, radar feedback signs, and intersection improvement near school.

For additional infromation about the selection of these projects or participation in the Safe Routes to School program, please contact Amie Pope at (802) 828-5799 or at aimee.pope@state.vt.us
