2010 Census Dates

Following are some key dates relating to the 2010 Census:

April to June 2009–Census employees go door to door to update address lists;
Fall 2009 — Recruitment begins for local census jobs for 2010 Census operations;
February to March 2010— Census questionnaires are mailed or delivered to households;
April 2010— Residents fill out and return Census questionnaires;
April to July 2010— Census takers visit households that did not return a questionnaire by mail;
December 2010 — By law, the Census Bureau delivers population counts to the President for apportionment;
March 2011 — By law, the Census Bureau completes delivery of redistricting data to states.

Encourage all to participate in the 2010 Census; every person counted affects the amount of Federal services and dollars received by towns and Vermont! Thanks.
