Regional Forum Highlighting e-Vermont Communities – SAVE THE DATE

Regional Forum Highlighting e-Vermont Communities – SAVE THE DATE

 Moretown, Middlesex, Calais, Hardwick, Morristown, Jay/Westfield, Newport, Canaan & Brighton/Island Pond

 These communities discovered how to connect citizens, learn for independence and the future, and do better business through the e-Vermont Community Broadband Project.

This multi-regional forum is an opportunity for neighboring communities and broadband advocates to gain their insights.

 The forum will include a variety of topics and presentations and is intended to:

  • Highlight e-Vermont community projects and lessons learned
  • Build partnerships between e-Vermont towns and others taking advantage of the digital future
  • Develop strategies for continuing and expanding e-Vermont initiatives across the regions

It will be a time to learn from success stories and frame carrying that success into other communities and the region.

Date – Thursday, May 24th, 2012

Time – 6:30-8:30 PM

Place – Municipal Building, Hardwick, VT

 We look forward to seeing you there.

Please Contact – Gail Aloisio at or 802-748-5181 to attend. 
