Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Work

CVRPC is pleased to announce that we are working with four communities within the region on updating their municipalities Local Hazard Mitigation Plans. These both create a 5-year plan to address hazard mitigation and also allow towns to access FEMA funding for hazard mitigation as well as help communities to increase their Vermont Emergency Relief and Assistance Funding for public assistance damages.

These communities are:

Barre City– Survey link-https://tinyurl.com/ynnvh3p7

Cabot-draft LHMP available

Waitsfield– draft to date https://centralvtplanning.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Draft-working.docx

Waterbury– Survey link-https://tinyurl.com/yc2ayjd9

If you would like more information or to make comments on these plans, please contact

Keith Cubbon cubbon@cvregion.com.

As drafts are completed, they will be links added to this post.
