Vermont Comprehensive Economy Development Strategy (CEDS) now available

Ken Jones, an Economic Research ppbuttonkenjonesAnalyst for the Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD), gave a PowerPoint presentation at CVRPC’s July 8 Commission meeting, sharing a summary of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) that was recently completed and released to the public.

The idea for CEDS sparked during the aftermath of 2011’s Tropical Storm Irene as a way to rebuild the state’s economy and ensure its resilience in the future. Developed with funding from the US Economic Development Administration (EDA), the CEDS plan outlines strategies that will help Vermont meet specific benchmarks by 2020. It is intended to be a working document that can be updated and added to over the next five years, as goals shift and change based on local, regional, and state priorities.

The mission statement of the CEDS is to “improve the economic well being and quality of life of all Vermonters while preserving our natural resources and community values,” with four main components: accessing financing and capital, having a skilled workforce, having sound infrastructure, and having a competitive business environment.

To view Ken Jones’s CEDS summary presentation from the Commission meeting, click here.

To view the full CEDS, click here.

To view the Economy page on the Plan Central Vermont website, click here.
