Executive session? Adjustments to the agenda? Retaining records forever and saving every email, really?

For those who wonder about our responsibilities under VT open meeting and public records laws, VT Secretary of State Jim Condos has announced the start of his third biennial Transparency Tour. The tour will stop at 12 locations across the state to discuss Vermont’s public records and open meeting laws with municipal and state employees and citizens who serve on local government boards. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.  The Tour will be at the Montpelier Kellogg Hubbard Library, Hayes Room, 135 Main St. on October 19th from 6-8pm.  The Tour continues in other areas of the state through mid-November.  The full press release with dates can be found at https://www.sec.state.vt.us/media/715344/PR-2015-10-07-Sec-Condos-Announces-Third-Statewide-Transparency-Tour.pdf.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about the details of these laws and how they apply to the regular work of local and regional boards and committees as well as to the work of staff.  If you can’t make a session please take some time to check out the Secretary of State website – there is a great deal of information available there as well.
