Strong Communities, Better Connections Grants Announced


The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) and the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) are pleased to announce the second round of the Strong Communities, Better Connections (SCBC) Grant Program, aimed at supporting vibrant community centers and increasing town and regional transportation options. Annually, the program grants approximately $200,000 in planning funds to help cities and towns (outside of Chittenden County) build more livable, walkable and strong communities.  Grant Applications are due January 15, 2016 with all applicants required to participate in a pre-application meeting with SCBC Program Managers prior to December 18, 2015.

Last year’s pilot round of the SCBC Grant Program funded three projects that are in progress: Mad River Valley Towns (Warren, Waitsfield) are developing a multi-town plan for walking, biking and active recreation in the valley; the Towns of Rutland and West Rutland are developing a plan to create and enhance opportunities to bike, walk, live and work along the US Route 4 corridor; and the City of Vergennes is developing a master plan to improve the biking and walking connections between the downtown and Basin Harbor.

For more information, contact Jackie Cassino, at 802-272-2368 or Richard Amore at 802-828-5229 and visit the grant website
