Energy Workshops Coming in September 2009

Home Energy Saving Workshops Available for Vermont Communities

Central Vermont Community Action Council is seeking community groups and municipalities to partner in organizing local home energy saving workshops. Last year, community groups and other sponsors organized 100 home energy saving workshops statewide reaching over 2700 Vermonters. We hope to surpass these figures this year. These workshops are being conducted with the support of Efficiency Vermont and the Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network and with funding from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

The workshops are designed to teach residents about the fundamentals of how homes lose energy, simple do-it-yourself measures for incremental energy savings, significant saving opportunities associated with extensive energy retrofits, and available technical and financial resources. We invite you to sign up today to help organize a Home Energy Savings Workshop in your community.

Button-Up Vermont will arrange for a trained energy auditor to come to your community at no-cost to deliver a prepared slide presentation and will provide you with educational and publicity materials. Participating community groups and municipalities have primary responsibility for organizing and coordinating the workshops within their communities, publicizing the program locally, and distributing educational materials at the workshop.

The two-hour workshop format includes the slide presentation, speakers on energy-related topics of local organizers’ choosing, and the showing of a 1/2 hour DVD on, “Simple Weatherization Measures to Button Up Your Home.” Workshops are scheduled to begin in late-September and run through the fall and into early winter.

In mid-late September, Button Up Vermont will organize a series of regional information sessions throughout the state to provide you with more information on how to organize a Button Up program in your community. We will let you know about the dates and locations of these sessions in early September.

If you are interested in helping to organize a Home Energy Saving Workshop in your community, please contact Diana Peduzzi, Assistant Coordinator at (802 279 1708), or Paul Markowitz, Coordinator at (802 229 6307). We look forward to hearing from you.
