Economic Development; VCDA

The Vermont Community Development Association will present a workshop March 25, 2009 on “Economic Development; what is our blueprint” to be held at the Pavilion Building in Montpelier. Scheduled presenters include: Jay Kenlan, Chair of the VT Commission on the Future of Economic Development; Representative Bill Botzow of the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee, and Senator Vince Illuzzi, chair of the Senate Economic Development, Housing and Military Affairs Committee. Following this first panel will be a round table discussion with Betsy Bishop, Commissioner of Economic Development; Jo Bradley, VT Economic Development Authority; Bob Flint, Springfield Regional Development Corp; Sarah Carpenter, VT Housing Finance Agency; Eileen Peltier, Central VT Land Trust; and Karen Horn, VT League of Cities and Towns. This half day workshop (8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) requires reservations by March 19 to The fee for VDCA members is $12,00 and for all others it’s $15 per person.
