Roads & Rivers Workshop, Thursday Oct. 23, 12-2pm, Lunch Provided

CVRPC with the City of Montpelier will be hosting a two hour workshop presented by the Better Backroads Program in partnership with the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources River Management Program. You observe a flume model of a stream, in which they will set up real-life examples of conflicts that occur in managing roads and rivers. Demonstrations on the flume will show the potential impacts and long-term effects of culvert installations and bank stabilization projects and how to best manage roads to prevent damage from storm events and flooding. The following site has a powerful video showing a flood taking out a road and culvert in Freeport Maine: Discussion will focus on stream processes, recommended road maintenance techniques, regulations involved with stream projects, and potential funding sources for grants.

The workshop will be held at the Montpelier City Garage, Thursday Oct. 23, 12-2pm, lunch will be provided.

To register, please contact Steve Gladczuk or Clare Rock at CVRPC (229-0389), so we can make sure there are enough chairs and food.
