VECAN Annual Conference is December 3rd!

Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network

Invites you to REGISTER NOW

The Vermont Community Energy and Climate Action Conference will be held on Saturday December 3rd, from 9:00 am- 4:00 pm, at the Lake Morey Inn in Fairlee, Vermont.  Register for the conference HERE

Organized by VECAN and the UVM Extension Service, this daylong conference is for town energy committees, municipal officials,   local and regional planners,   Conservation Commissioners,    Selectboard and City council members,   Town public works staff ,    Environmental business professionals,     State government officials,  Academics,     Professional and Citizen planners   and  Concerned Citizens…
who are all interested in reducing energy costs and tackling climate change. *
  • The goal for the day is to provide strategies communities can implement to reduce energy costs and reduce the damaging greenhouse gasses released into the environment. Participants will gain an increased understanding of a wide range of local opportunities for tackling energy and climate change. We invite you to take this opportunity to share your successes, challenges, and opportunities for addressing community energy and climate action with others in similar situations
 This year’s conference  will open with Commissioner Elizabeth Miller with the Vermont Department of Public Service Commissioner and Secretary Deborah Markowitz with the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. Commissioner Miller will talk about the new State Energy Plan and what it means for communities, and Secretary Markowitz will discuss the work of the State’s Climate Cabinet.
  • The conference’s Key Note is environmental activist, actor, and writer Kathryn Blume who will talk about how one individual can make a difference in affecting climate change.

The day will include 14 different workshops focused on promoting efficiency and renewable energy at the local level, along with a number of different roundtable discussions topics designed to promote dialogue.  For more information, contact: Jessie Schmidt, UVM Extension at 866-860-1382 extension 203 or by e-mail.

 Concurrent Workshop Session A
A1. The Smart Grid is Coming.
A2. Climate Adaptation and Your Community.
A3. Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) for Vermont.
A4. Going Solar..
A5. Working with Small Businesses to Save Energy.
A6. Promoting Real Transportation Alternatives—Effective Partnerships Making the Difference.
A7. Rooted in Community – Local Food Solutions.
Concurrent Workshop Session B
B1. Financing Options for Schools and Municipalities.
B2. Community-Supported Renewable Energy Projects.
B3. State Energy Policy and Your Community.
B4. Local Energy Projects in Vermont: A Smorgasbord of Opportunities.
B5. Action-Oriented Energy Planning Tools.
B6. Working with Local Officials and Engaging Your Community.
B7. Stimulating Significant Efficiency Improvements in Your Community.
Concurrent Roundtable Discussions
