2012 VT Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Program

We are pleased to announce that VTrans is now accepting applications for the 2012 VT Safe Routes to
School infrastructure program. The goal of the program is to remove barriers that deter students
from walking and bicycling to school in Vermont through the planning, design and construction of
infrastructure projects.

Eligible projects must be located within approximately 2 miles of a school that includes at least one
grade in the range K-8. The school must be signed up as a Partner of the VT Safe Routes to School
Resource Center and must have a School Travel Plan that has been updated within the last 3 years.
Please contact Abby Mattera, State Outreach Coordinator for information on becoming a Partner
(Abby@saferoutesvt.org, 802-598-8651).

SRTS funding is not distributed as block grants but is rather a reimbursement program. Successful
applicants will be expected to enter into a grant agreement with VTrans that will lay out respective
responsibilities as all projects must be developed in accordance with applicable federal and State rules
and regulations. Additional information on the program and a copy of the 2012 Safe Routes to School
Infrastructure Program Guide and Application can be found at:

Final and complete applications must be submitted to my attention and must be received or
postmarked by 4:00 PM, Friday, October 26, 2012. Please contact me with any questions at
(802) 828-5799 or by email at patti.coburn@state.vt.us. The Vermont Agency of Transportation is
committed to this program and working with applicants to complete successful projects. We look
forward to working with you.

Patti Coburn, P.E.
Local Transportation Facilities
