Applications for Technical Assistance with Brownfield Projects Now Available

VT DEC is now accepting applications for financial assistance at brownfield projects in Vermont.  Assistance VT DEC can provide is in the form of a grant of services to conduct Phase I, Phase II, Corrective Action Planning and Implementation of Corrective Action.    The link to the application is here:

VT DEC is asking that you submit your application by January 2, 2015 to be considered for the first round of funding.  There is a limited amount of funding this year, so VT DEC will try to fund smaller dollar requests or assist with a portion of the costs at a site.  CVRPC staff are available to assist with your application.  Contact Kim McKee at

Send applications to Waste Management and Prevention Division, Brownfields Program, 1 National Life Drive – Davis 1, Montpelier, VT  05620 OR  BETTER YET  electronically to

If you have any questions please feel free to call me or any of the brownfield staff:  Lynda, Matt, Michael or Sarah

Trish Coppolino, Brownfields Program Manager
p. 802.249.5822
1 National Life Drive – Davis 1
Montpelier, VT  05620-3704
