Benefit-Cost Analysis Workshop

To all applicants for the HMGP and PDM-C FEMA grant programs:

As a Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) is required for all FEMA grant programs, VEM will be conducting an intensive two-day BCA workshop on October 14-15, 2009 at Vermont Emergency Management offices in Waterbury. A grants overview will also be given during this training session. All HMGP and PDM-C grant applicants are strongly encouraged to attend this important workshop. The training is provided free-of-charge; lunch will be provided. Please mark your calendars accordingly.

This workshop is for mitigation project applicants only; planning grants do not require a BCA.

All those who will be attending the BCA training are required to complete an online course prior to the classroom training session. There are two online courses available which can be accessed on the BCA Helpline website: Introduction to Benefit-Cost Analysis Training Course: This training is for those who are not currently familiar with the BCA program or are in need of a refresher:
(Total time needed: approximately 3.5 hours)Bridge Training Course: This training is for users familiar with the previous BCA program to ensure that they are aware of the new terminology and elements of the new tool:

For the classroom training in Waterbury, VEM will provide training manuals and computers with the appropriate BCA software installed. If you are attending the BCA workshop, please bring with you any technical information in connection with your specific project proposal, including: total project costs, traffic count, frequency of flood or storm event, past repair costs or past damages, etc.

Kindly confirm your attendance at this workshop by sending Ray Doherty an e-mail message no later than Sept. 30, 2009.

Ray Doherty, State Hazard Mitigation Officer
Vermont Emergency Management
103 South Main Street
Waterbury, VT 05671
Tel (802) 241-5258
