Calais Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) Kick-Off Meeting

The Town of Calais is beginning the process of updating its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. LHMPs enable towns to qualify for grant funds, and they make our communities safer. The first Calais Hazard Mitigation planning meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 2nd, 2020, at 10:00 AM via GoTo Meeting. The focus of the meeting will provide an introduction to the plan update process.

The meeting is open to all interested community members.

 The meeting can be accessed by computer using the following link ( or by phone (+1 (571) 317-3112) using the following Access Code (326-031-469).

Local Hazard Mitigation Plans identify mitigation strategies and actions to reduce damage from foreseeable natural and human-caused hazards. For more information, please contact Grace Vinson at
