Community Development Grants

The next round of Vermont Community Development Program (VCDP) grant applications has just begun. Applications are due by November 4, 2008 with a hearing notice required to be published by October 15. VCDP requires that all applications be filed online and you can view the application and instructions at All municipalities are eligible to apply and consortiums of 2 or more municipalities are encouraged. VCDP’s highest priorities continue to be housing and economic development that will create jobs.

These grants are funded with U.S. Housing and Urban Development funds, and hence, have a national objective that must be met. Those objectives include: serving persons of low and moderate income (the most important benefit); eliminating slums or blighted conditions; and alleviating an urgent need such as an immediate threat to the health and welfare of a community. Only one national objective has to be met with each grant application.

The types of projects include: housing rehabilitation and acquisition, lead abatement, and home ownership assistance; economic development loans to businesses that will result in job creation; water, sewer, or road improvements serving economic development or housing; rehabilitation or acquisition of public facilities, or senior, child care, assisted living, or homeless facilities; handicap accessibility modifications (which require a $1 for $1 match); planning; and disaster assistance.

Additional information on the types of grants funded, match requirements, and the minimum and maximum amounts available can be found on the web site listed above. If CVRPC can be of assistance, please contact us. Laurie Emery
