Composting is Cool

At the April Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission’s monthly Commission meeting, Buzz Ferver of the Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) discussed all the benefits of compost, the need for community scale composting operations and the latest development in legislation related to composting.

According to CAV’s website “the Composting Association of Vermont supports and promotes organics recycling that protects and benefits the environment. We advocate for the production and use of compost as a vital link between soil health and sustainable agriculture and communities. When organic materials are recycled into products of value everyone benefits.” For more information about composting and the Composting Association of Vermont visit:

The Calais Town Plan recieved regional approval, and a request for assistance from Montpelier and the Montpelier Senior Center to study the feasibility of a regional community/senior center were also discussed at the April meeting. Monthly Commission meetings are held at the Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce, second Tuesday of each month at 7pm (except in August). Meetings are open to the public and are televised on Comcast, Charter, and Waitsfield Telecom cable stations.
