CVRPC and Town of Berlin Implement Stormwater Treatment at Berlin Town Office

The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission (CVRPC) is pleased to announce that they have completed a multi-phase project to treat stormwater runoff at the Berlin Town Office in Berlin, VT. This project started with a Stormwater Master Planning (SWMP) process where it was identified and prioritized as one of the top five projects within the plan to help reduce sediment and phosphorus pollutant loadings within the Steven’s Branch watershed and ultimately Lake Champlain. The SWMP and subsequent final design and construction was funded by the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) Clean Water fund. CVRPC received funding for the final design and construction through the Clean Water Design Implementation Block Grant program managed by the Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC).

The construction was completed in the summer of 2021 and is a wonderful example of partners working together to help a municipality meet the recent 3-acre permit (Stormwater General Permit 3-9050) requirements. The property where the Berlin Town Office and Garage is located is considered a “3-acre property” as it has more than 3 acres of impervious surfaces (land areas that do not drain). The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation issued the 3-acre permit in September of 2020, which includes requiring all properties with greater than 3-acres of impervious surfaces (including properties developed prior to 2002 stormwater permit regulations) to treat stormwater runoff before it enters nearby waterways. For more information on the Stormwater General Permit 3-9050 please visit

The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission continues to work with its member municipalities to encourage efforts to improve water quality and to help them meet the 3-acre permit. The CVRPC assists its member municipalities to provide effective local government and work cooperatively to address regional issues. The Commission also works with area non-profits, other regional organizations, State and Federal agencies, and the public to implement projects and programs tailored to Central Vermont and statewide needs. For more information on CVRPC, please visit
