CVRPC Seeks Municipal Candidates for Winooski Basin Water Quality Council

CVRPC, the Clean Water Service Provider  for the Winooski basin, is conducting outreach efforts to municipalities. We are seeking candidates who wish to represent municipalities on the Basin Water Quality Council (BWQC). There are 49 municipalities in the Winooski Basin. Two (2) candidates will be selected to represent municipalities.


Please complete the application linked below and submit to  CVRPC via email ( or mail (29 Main Street, Suite 4, Montpelier VT 05602) no later than December 17, 2021. Contact Grace Vinson ( if you would like additional application forms or would like more information. CVRPC will be hosting an informational session for watershed stakeholders in the coming weeks to provide additional information on the BWQC  start up process.


BWQC Application Form

BWQC Flyer

BWQC Information Letter
