DFIRM update June 2009

Late-breaking news! The Washington County DFIRM maps should become effective in September 2010. HOWEVER, it is Vermont’s Flood Plain Management-River Management Program’s goal for all towns to have adopted flood hazard area regulations (FHAR) by the end of MARCH 2010 thereby preventing a “flood” of regs for approval by FEMA in September. The FHAR’s will need to be reviewed by Vermont’s Flood Plain Management staff before submitting them to FEMA. As a result, the State needs some lead time, too. Regarding the DFIRM’s and getting the process on its way, the final community coordination meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, July 27. Further details are forthcoming, but it is anticipated that the meeting will be held in Waterbury at the Skylight conference room at the State Complex from 2 to 4 p.m. and a second meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. Please call CVRPC at 229-0389 for further details, come back to our blog before July 27 and read our lastest update, or call Ned Swanberg, VT’s Flood Plain Management staff, at 802/241-4596 or ned.swanberg@state.vt.us. CVRPC will post more as soon as we know more “firm” information!
