Emergency Management Announcements and Notices


Please note, DEMHS has scheduled the Annual Interagency Regional Spring Flooding Seminars – the Central Vermont Region will take place on Monday, March 14, 2016 from 10 am – 12:00 Noon at the State Emergency Operation Center, 45 State Drive, Waterbury, VT.  The purpose of this seminar is to provide local jurisdictions and regional entities with information about conditions that may result in spring flooding and proactive measures to prepare for such events.  Representatives from the National Weather Service, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Vermont Agency of Transportation, RPC’s and the Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security will be present.  Please save the date and plan to join us.   RSVP Laura Ranker at ranker@cvregion.com

LEOPs are due May 1, 2016:  The annual deadline for submitting Local Emergency Operations Plans (LEOPs) is approaching.  In order to meet Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund and grant requirements, all Vermont municipalities must update and adopt a Local Emergency Operations Plan between town meeting day (March 1st) and May 1st and submit this updated plan to their Regional Planning Commission. This deadline ensures any changes to infrastructure or personnel in the previous 12 months are reflected in the updated plan. There are a few updates to the template and additional resources available for towns to access when updating their plans this year.  The CVRPC is available to provide assistance with updating your towns LEOP.  Contact Laura Ranker at ranker@cvregion.com Additional information about the LEOP, including the guidance document and new appendices, can be found here: http://demhs.vermont.gov/plans/local.

Similar to last year, CVRPC will be scheduling ICS 402 and ICS 100 trainings in our region in an effort to provide the necessary training Selectboard members need in order to certify the LEOP upon its adoption by the town.  If you have specific training needs or preferences in dates and times please forward them on to Laura Ranker.  Thank you.

LEPC 5:  The LEPC 5  bi-monthly meeting is Monday, March 7, 2016 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 PM.  Guest Speaker Jonathan Bond of CVEOE will be presenting on the Mobile Home Park Project.   He will focus on the mobile home parks in the region and how they can be addressed under the vulnerable population element of the Local Emergency Operation Plan (LEOP).

Reminder: Tier II reports for 2016 are due March 1, 2016.  Information about reporting in Vermont can be found here:  http://vem.vermont.gov/programs/epcraIt is recommended that Tier II submissions be made electronically using the EPA Tier2Submit software.  EPA provides this software at no charge.  Tier2Submit generates electronic versions of the Tier II form.  Tier2Submit can be downloaded here:  http://www.epa.gov/epcra/tier2-submit-software.  A tutorial on how to fill out your Tier II form using EPA’s Tier2 Submit software is available here:  http://www.epa.gov/epcra/2015-tier2-submit-tutorial.  If facilities do not have access to download Tier2Submit, they can continue to provide hard copy reports to DEMHS, local fire departments and LEPC 5.

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Funding Available: The VT Division of Emergency Management & Homeland Security (DEMHS) has announced the availability of FEMA mitigation grant funds. The State of Vermont received a federal disaster declaration (DR 4232-VT) for damages resulting from flooding, which occurred on June 9, 2015. In addition to FEMA’s Public Assistance program, there are federal mitigation funds available to all Vermont towns through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP).  HMGP applications from towns and agencies in all Vermont counties are now being accepted.

The HMGP program is funded through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is administered by DEMHS on behalf of the state. Federal funds are available to cover up to 75% of approved project costs; however, please note that there is a 25% local match requirement that is the responsibility of the applicant town.  Eligibility requirements also apply.

Towns are strongly encourage to identify potential hazard mitigation sites in their community and apply for funds under the HMGP grant program. Typical hazard mitigation projects would include: mitigation of local roads and bridges, home acquisition (buyout), structural elevations or relocations, replacement of undersized culverts, mitigation outreach and education, etc. Project proposals do not need to be directly connected to damages incurred from the most recent declared disaster.

Applications can be downloaded from the DEMHS website at: www.vem.vermont.gov. You may click on the link titled “Funding and Resources for Communities” on the DEMHS website to find the link for the “Hazard Mitigation Program”, where you will find the application, eligibility criteria, and additional requirements.  Alternatively, you may contact Hazard Mitigation Planner, Lauren Oates, for an application.

HMGP applications must be completed in their entirety, including maps, list of alternative proposals, engineering plans, hydrology studies (if needed) and a full benefit-cost analysis (BCA) in the FEMA-approved format, if applicable. Please note that HMGP funds are awarded on a competitive basis and all applications are subject to review and selection by the state mitigation project selection committee and FEMA.

If you wish to apply for an HMGP grant, please submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) to DEMHS by March 11, 2016. The LOI should include a brief description of your proposal and the total estimated cost of your project. Please note that LOIs are strongly encouraged, but not required.

Application Deadline: HMGP applications must be submitted to the state by close-of-business on Friday, April 8, 2016.   Applications should be submitted to the state in hard copy (paper application) and in electronic format such as a scanned PDF file. Applications will not be accepted if submitted past the deadline.

Please submit LOIs and completed applications to:

Lauren Oates, Hazard Mitigation Planner

VT Division of Emergency Management & Homeland Security
45 State Drive

Waterbury, VT  05671-1300

Tel (802) 241-5363

Email:  lauren.oates@vermont.gov
