Emergency Management Director Seminar – March 22, 2019


What is an Emergency Management Director and what are they responsible for?


  • Identification of the resources and organizations that would be used to support incident command
  • Creation and maintenance of the Local Emergency Management Plan (Annually)
  • Maintenance of the Local Emergency Operations Center
  • Facilitates Emergency Management meetings with municipal stakeholders
  • Coordinates citizen preparedness initiatives
  • Coordinates volunteer recruitment
  • Participates in the creation of the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (Every 5 years)
  • Participates in the Emergency Manager Certification program offered by Vermont Emergency Management


The EMD seminar is a 2 hour training for EMDs and EMCs with an introduction to duties, available resources, and best practices. This seminar will familiarize EMDs and EMCs with essential information on the position’s roles and functions.  This seminar has been scheduled in the Central Vermont region on Friday, March 22nd from 1PM – 3 PM here at our office (29 Main Street, Suite 4, Montpelier, VT).  To register, please use the State of Vermont Learning Management System or contact Jonathan DeLaBruere, Emergency Management Planner, at delabruere@cvregion.com.
