EMPG 2012 Generator Grant Program

GENERATOR GRANTS! Applications are due by JUNE 15, 2012. Please contact CVRPC for an application or assistance!

Overview of Available Funds:

 Department of Public Safety, Division Emergency Management has Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) funds available (requiring 50% in local non-federal match) which are dedicated to assist Vermont municipalities with emergency shelter generators, Local Emergency Operation Center’s (EOC) and/or associated wiring costs.  Awards will be based on the number of applications, costs, geographic diversity and ability to supply local match.  Additionally, all municipalities applying for these funds must have current Basic Emergency Operations Plan (BEOP) (approved within the last year and on file at VEM) adopted by the community seeking the grant funds; the locations is American Red Cross surveyed ; and must also be National Incident Management System (NIMS) Compliant.

Application Requirements:

Applications for funding must be received, approved and a grant agreement executed (signed by DPS representative) prior to expenditure of grant funds.  All application packages must include the following documents:

1. Vermont Department of Public Safety Subgrant Application sheet.

2. All local municipalities applying for Generator funds must be in compliance with NIMS activates set forth in Vermont’s NIMS Implementation Plan http://hsu.vermont.gov/sites/vhs/files/Vermont’s%20NIMS%20Implementation%20Plan%20-%20FY%202012.pdf and complete the FY12 NIMS Progress Survey for Towns online at https://www.surveymk.com/s/Z79CNXX.  The main criteria for town NIMS compliance will be:

a. The municipality has formally adopted NIMS as an incident command system through legislative proclamation or executive order.

b. The municipality has an updated (within the past twelve months) Local Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) that has been locally approved by an executive/legislative body and submitted to Vermont Emergency Management (VEM).  If your municipality is not clear if an updated EOP has been submitted to VEM please contact Bob Weinert at Bob.Weinert@state.vt.us, 800-347-0488

c. Municipal employees must have taken IS 700.a and keep on file for programmatic audits.

d. Municipal Highway Department personnel are recommended to take ICS 100 and ICS 200 as outlined in the Vermont NIMS Implementation Plan.*

e. Appointed and elected officials of the Municipality are recommended to take ICS 402.*

NOTE: * ICS 100 and ICS 200 will be required for Municipal Highway Department personal and ICS 402 will be required for appointed and elected officials hereafter.

3. Need to show that the location is American Red Cross surveyed.  Please contact Tim Stetson at: Timothy.Stetson@nvtredcross.org.

4. Any project with the potential to impact natural or biological resources or historic properties cannot be initiated until FEMA has completed the required environmental planning and historic preservation (EHP) review. Projects, including the installation, renovation of or modifications to buildings and structures that are 50 years old or older as well as projects that involve mounting equipment to existing  towers or structures must be submitted to FEMA for compliance review under Federal EHP laws and requirements prior to initiation of the project. These projects have the potential to affect environmental resources and historic properties through ground disturbance and to alter historically significant properties. For more information on FEMA’s EHP requirements please refer to FEMA’s Information Bulletin #329, Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Requirements for Grants, available at http://www.fema.gov/pdf/government/grant/bulletins/info329.pdf.

5. A copy of your Certificate of Insurance

If your proposal is selected, your appropriate fiscal agent will be requested to complete and submit the following information:

1. Source of intended match for the federal grant (should be included in your current year town/city budget proposal).

2. Will require an Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Review (EHP).

Application Deadline:

 All applications must be RECEIVED at the Department of Public Safety Headquarters office by Friday, June 15th, 2012.  Proposals received after this date will NOT be eligible for consideration.  To facilitate processing, grant application should be sent electronically to Karen Mae Smith, KarenMae.Smith@state.vt.us.  If you are unable to send your application electronically, you may mail it to the Grants Management Unit, Attn: Karen Mae Smith, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-2101.


If you have any questions or require additional information regarding this funding please contact Karen Mae Smith, KarenMae.Smith@state.vt.us, 241-5458.
