Energy Block Grants–Survey for Public Service, VT

Please respond to this request for input from the VT Department of Public Service. The survey closes on September 14 so it’s important to respond soon. Thanks.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 will provide stimulus money to many different sectors, including state and local governments. Specifically, Vermont will receive over $700M in recovery and stimulus funds for several areas, including energy efficiency and renewable energy. These funds will be used to position our state to reduce the costs and consumption of energy through two separate US Department of Energy programs: the State Energy Program (SEP) and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG). The US Department of Energy has released a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the EECBG Program. The Program’s purposes are to stimulate the economy and to create and retain jobs.

As this is a “formula grant” through the US Department of Energy, allocations to the state of Vermont pre-determined by several factors, including population. Through the EECBG, Vermont communities will also receive the following allocation:

State of Vermont $10,323,300
State Energy Office (DPS) $9,593,500
Bennington $57,900
Brattleboro $56,100
Burlington $180,200
Colchester $71,200
Essex $50,000
Essex Junction $50,000
Hartford $50,000
Milton $50,000
Rutland $78,900
South Burlington $85,500

The EECBG instructions require at least 60% of the funds allocated to the State Energy Office to be allocated to the counties, towns and cities that did not receive a formula allocation, or $5.7 million. These funds will be administered through the Clean Energy Development Fund through a competitive process. To help the CEDF Board of Directors design the criteria for the program, we would ask that you please take a few moments and complete the following on-line survey:
The survey will close on September 14th.

Thanks in advance for your help and patience!

Steve Wark, VT Department of Public Service
