Energy Stimulus Funds, ARRA Information for Vermont

State Energy Program

Vermont’s application for $21,999,000 in ARRA funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency program was submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on May 12, 2009. Once the application has been approved by DOE, the state should be able to access up to 50% of the funds; the remaining 50% will be available when Vermont demonstrates we are obligating the funds in accordance with DOE regulations. These funds will expand the size and scope of the Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund (CEDF). This program will be expanded through additional large-scale grant and loan program funding as well as additional small-scale grant and loan program funding, in addition to expansion of the state’s anemometry loan program, training for renewable energy project installations, a program to expand small wind turbine installations through co-development with cellular sites, an efficiency/renewables program for public-serving institutions, and weatherization funding for a low-income housing program in the state. Funding is anticipated to be available in the following program areas:

Clean Energy Development Fund renewable energy activities–$14.4 million
Public Serving Institutions* Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program–$2 million
Vermont Telecom Authority small-scale wind turbines–up to $2 million for ARRA-eligible projects
Vermont Housing and Conservation Board weatherization and renewable energy activities–up to $2 million for ARRA-eligible projects

*Includes government buildings and non-profit public and private universities, colleges, and hospitals.

Funding for activities of the Vermont Telecom Authority and the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board will be made in the form of grants to these organizations. Other funds will be distributed through awards from the CEDF through a competitive process that will utilize objective relative measures of economic efficiency. Included in the evaluation criteria will be assessments of the ability of projects to reduce peak load use of nonrenewable electric generation. Program details, including how to apply for competitive funds are still under development, and no applications for funding are yet being accepted. We will post information regarding how you may apply for ARRA funds on this webpage as soon as it is available.


Vermont’s application for $16,842,576 in ARRA Weatherization funding was submitted by the deadline of May 12, 2009. Funding will go to program activities including weatherization job training and grants to Community Action Program agencies to deliver weatherization services in the community. For more information about the Weatherization program, see information from the Office of Economic Opportunity.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant

This formula grant program allocated Vermont approximately $10,300,000 in block grant funding for a variety of efficiency and renewable energy initiatives, outlined in the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007. Approximately $9.5 million will come through the state, and the rest directly to Vermont cities and towns. Of this $9.5 million, 40% ($3.8 million) is allocated by the DOE to the State Energy Program and 60% ($5.7 million) is allocated to cities and towns not receiving a direct allocation from DOE. We anticipate this will be awarded through an upcoming competitive application process. The Department of Public Service plans to submit an application to the DOE for the funds coming to the state on or before the deadline of June 25, 2009. Some of the money has been directly allocated by DOE to the ten highest-population towns including: Bennington, Brattleboro, Burlingtoni, Colchester, Essex, Essex Junction, Hartford, Milton, Rutland and South Burlington.

Additional information will be posted regarding how you may apply for ARRA funds at as it becomes available.

In the meantime, if you need information on existing loan and grant programs for new energy generation, please visit the Vermont Department of Public Service website at:

If you are a consumer and seek information regarding home or business efficiency programs, please contact Efficiency Vermont at 802-860-4095, or call toll-free 1-888-921-5990, or visit their website at

Background Materials–Other ARRA Energy Programs
Energy Provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (P.L. 111-5), Congressional Research Service, March 3, 2009. (PDF)
Other Links
U.S. Department of Energy ARRA Funding Opportunity Announcements.
