Environmental Conference October 2010

Recognizing that we ALL are educating about and for the environment, the conference theme, Designing Our Shared Future, says it well. The conference organizers welcome all those who have a role in designing our shared future from health workers to planners, loggers to farmers, energy innovators to green business people and conservation folks to teachers, including those who may not see themselves as educating for the environment.

Join Vermont’s State-Wide Environmental Education Programs alliance (SWEEP) as it hosts the 44th annual New England Environmental Education Alliance (NEEEA) conference. This year’s conference takes place October 21-23 at the beautiful Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT and promises to be engaging, fun and informative.

Conference partners include Vermont SWEEP, NEEEA and Promise of Place (POP), along with generous support from the Center for Whole Communities. To learn more about the details of the conference or to register to attend, please visit the conference website at http://www.neeea.org/conference or the conference blog at http://2010designourfuture.blogspot.com/.

Conference attendees can choose to attend any of the 40+ workshops and field trips that fall into three different strands – to create, to cultivate and to collaborate. This year’s conference also highlights three inspiring keynote speakers – Peter Forbes from the Center for Whole Communities, Bill McKibben from 350.org and Dana Hudson from the National Farm to School Network. Additionally, there will be a variety of entertainment including a screening of the film Mother Nature’s Child: Muddy Knees in the Age of Technology, an Open Mic Night, an evening of Contra Dancing with the Old Sam Peabody Contra Dance Band and a performance by the Yoh Theater Speakchorus.

This year’s NEEEA Conference is not to be missed. With a line up full of interactive workshops and field trips, dynamic keynote speakers and engaging entertainment, conference organizers are sure there is a place at the table for all community members of Vermont and beyond. Register now at http://www.neeea.org/conference.

For additional information, contact Nancy Nottermann, Co-Chair, NEEEA; nancyn@together.net
