Fliood Hazard Management/NFIP

The VT Department of Environmental Conservation (Ned Swanberg ned.swanberg@state.vt.us) wants to be able to review all new NFIP flood hazard regulations by December 2009. It is strongly recommended that municipalities submit their revised flood hazard regs to Ned by early fall so he has time to complete the review and you have time to make changes before adopting them. It will be imperative to adopt new regs that will meet the NFIP standards within 6 months of the D-FIRM maps becoming final and it’s expected they’ll be final December 2009. Model flood hazard regs can be viewed and downloaded at www.vtwaterquality.org/rivers. You can also call DEC River Management at 802/241-3759. Let CVRPC know how we can help.
