FY 09 Municipal Planning Grants–report filing

Progress Reports are due for FY 2009 MPG–grants that were received in the fall of 2008.

Your FY09 Municipal Planning Grant is approaching the half-way point in the 18 month contract period. Please take some time over the next month to review the grant requirements and report on the progress of your grant project, including:

• Inform us if any substantial changes have been made to your work plan. (You may need approval for an amendment of your work plan if activities or products have changed. Review Attachment A of your grant agreement).

• Review the requirements in the grant agreement for financial record keeping, procurement and GIS documentation. (See page 2 of the Grant Administration Guide for assistance.)

Before September 21, 2009, please go online to the ACCD Grants Management System, https://development.grants.vermont.gov/, and submit the following documentation:

1. Progress Report.
2. Requisition Request – if progress is being made on the project, you may now request the second payment (30% of total grant).

Remember that only activities and products shown on your work plan are eligible for grant reimbursement. Any grant funds you have received that are not spent on eligible work by May 7, 2010 must be returned.

Please be sure to credit the Municipal Planning Grant Program on all grant products, as required in the grant agreement. Besides raising awareness about this important program, it can help secure funding for MPGs in the future.

Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you. Wendy Tudor 828-5249
