FY 2011 Transportation Enhancement Grants

The 2011 Transportation Enhancement grants are now available. Letters of intent are due by June 4, 2010. Completed applications are due to VTrans by August 20, 2010. These grants can fund such projects as new sidewalks, bike paths, historic preservation, environmental mitigation, and aid in the creation of a multi-modal and environmentally sustainable transportation system that encourages non-motorized use and enhances Vermont’s historic landscape and development. The application document is available online at www.aot.state.vt.us/progdev/Sections/LTF/Enhancements%20Program/EnhancementsHomePage.htm or go to www.aot.state.vt and search under grants. CVRPC is here to assist you in formulating your project and can provide some assistance with the application process. Contact Steve Gladczuk at gladczuk@cvregion.com or 229-0389. These applications do require a 20% local match and require a letter of support from CVRPC. Let us know how we can help.
