Home Weatherization DVD!

The Vermont Button Up program has prepared a 30 minute DVD illustrating basic home weatherization projects that a homeowner with basic handy “person” skills can do. It includes demonstrations on how to do basic air sealing, weatherize an attic hatch or pull down attic stairs or the bulkhead door for your cellar, and how to install interior storm window kits, among other sealing and weatherizing tips. The DVD has been provided to each town’s energy committee and library, but it can also be borrowed from CVRPC for your review or sharing at a local meeting. In addition, the weatherization workshops that were held last fall will be offered again in September. Once CVRPC has confirmed the date for the Central Vermont workshop (It’s looking like it will be September 30.), we will provide you with the information and it will also be blogged on our website at centralvtplanning.org. In the meantime, if you want to borrow the weatherization DVD, give us a call at 229-0389 or email cvrpc@cvregion.com.
