June Forums to Focus on State Comprehensive Energy Plan Update

June Forums to Focus on State Comprehensive Energy Plan Update
***Your input is needed!***
Goal: Comprehensive Energy Plan to be Completed &
on Governor’s desk by Oct 15;
Implementation of VT’s Energy Plan is the central piece of this work!
Community energy committee leaders, planners and the general public are all invited to attend one of the following:
§  June 1 — Montpelier — 6-9 p.m. National Life. Co-hosted by the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission and Two Rivers Ottauquechee Planning Commission
§  June 9 — Springfield – Riverside Middle School — 6-9 p.m. In cooperation with Windham Regional Commission, Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission and the Two Rivers Ottauquechee Planning Commission
§  June 16 — Rutland — Leahy Center at Rutland Regional Medical Center — 6-9 p.m. Co-hosted by the Rutland Regional Planning Commission, Addison County Regional Planning Commission and Bennington County Planning Commission
      To guide the state in making some complex and strategic choices on how Vermont will meet its energy needs far into the future, the Department of Public Service recently commenced a much-needed update to Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy Plan, last officially adopted in 1998.  Without a current, comprehensive and coordinated approach to meeting our energy needs, Vermont will face significant challenges. Without the active participation of Vermonters in identifying and implementing solutions, the necessary planning and accompanying action will be even harder.
To hear from Vermonters on this important topic, the DPS recently held two initial public stakeholder meetings on the plan. Now, prior to a more aggressive public outreach, public hearings, and official public comment period in August, the DPS is hosting a series of gatherings in a handful of regions across Vermont to hear from energy-interested Vermonter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
In cooperation with regional planning commissions, the Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network (VECAN) and the Vermont Natural Resources Council, the DPS is coordinating four focused forums to hear from Vermonters, including the network of 100 community energy committees, about the policies, programs and practices that would help Vermont meet its energy goals.
The DPS is also coordinating closely with other state agencies that have important roles to play in the conversation, including the agencies of natural resources, transportation, commerce and community development and agriculture, among others. The DPS hopes to get specific feedback on strategies for Vermont to address
·       energy issues
·       energy opportunities
·       All associated with
1.    how we develop and use our land,
2.    how we move people,
3.    how we use and conserve energy
4.    and how we generate new supplies. 
The DPS wants to hear about plans already in place at the regional and town level and about practices that have started to make a difference for Vermont’s energy future.
Please join the Department of Public Service and other forum conveners to share your ideas, concerns and questions on the state energy plan. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. This is a great opportunity to weigh in and offer specific suggestions to shape Vermont’s energy future.
Please save one of these date and plan to join the conversation. June 1, June 9 or June 16.

For more information contact: Kelly Launder, Asst. Dir. Planning & Energy Resources Division, Vermont Dept. of Public Service, 802-828-4039, kelly.launder@state.vt.us or Johanna Miller, VNRC Energy Program Dir. & VECAN Coordinator at 802-223-2328 ext. 112 or jmiller@vnrc.org or Nancy Nottermann, CVRPC Energy Coordinator at 802-229-0389  or nottermann@cvregion.com for the June 1 Forum.
