Lake Champlain Basin TMDL Plan

On March 31, 2014, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a draft Phase One Plan describing a proposal for addressing pollution into Lake Champlain.  This submission meets the deadline set by EPA and will provide an opportunity for Vermont to get comments on its proposal before Governor Shumlin submits the state’s final plan later this Spring.  A link to the plan can be found at:

This plan puts the focus on the greatest sources of phosphorus, polluted runoff from farms, developed areas, and roads, and stream and riverbank erosion, and not on wastewater treatment plant discharges which contribute a relatively small proportion of the phosphorus load, and where we have already made significant gains.  However, this is a draft plan and we expect that we will make further changes to it before the final version is submitted by the State.

The VT Department of Environmental Conservation is looking for  comments from EPA and also from legislators, key stakeholders and the public.  For further information, please contact David Mears at or 802-828-1556, or Leila LaRosa at 802-238-7986.

