Lcoal Food System Presentation, Waitsfield

Local Food System Presentation

5/10 – 7 PM Big Picture –

How can Vermont build strong local and regional food systems, create jobs in the food
and farm economy, and improve access to healthy local food? The Vermont
Sustainable Jobs Fund has laid out an impressive road map for the next 10
years of agricultural development with the release of the Farm to Plate (F2P)
Strategic Plan in January 2011. Ellen Kahler, Executive Director Vermont
Sustainable Jobs Fund, will lead this presentation to discuss the findings of
the Initiative’s exhaustive 18-month research project and present their
strategies to increase jobs and enterprises in the farm and food sector and
ramp up local food production and consumption in Vermont and regions
beyond our borders. Current Mad River Valley initiatives will be discussed.
This presentation is cosponsored by Mad River Localvore Project and
