Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP) updates

Information for updating the Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP) for 2017 has been released and is available on the Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS) website found at:


The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commissions is available to assist you in completing your Local Emergency Operations Plan.  If you would like assistance contact Laura Ranker at 802-229-0389 or by email at ranker@cvregion.com


As a reminder, the annual deadline for submitting the LEOP is from March 8th (day after Town Meeting) to May 1st.  Please submit your plan to the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission no later than the May 1 deadline.  We will review the plan for completeness and forward it to DEMHS for acceptance.

Municipalities with an approved adopted plan increase their rating under the Emergency Relief and Assistance Fund giving them access to greater grant funding in the event of a federally declared disaster.

All certifying individuals signing the plan must have successfully completed the ICS 402 or ICS 100 training.  CVRPC will be holding an ICS 402 class on March 18th from 9 am to 12 noon.  The Saturday class will take place at the offices of CVRPC in Montpelier. Please save the date and plan to register for the class if you have not yet taken it. CVRPC can assist you with the registration process.    For other course dates and offerings go to the Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security website: http://demhs.vermont.gov/calendar


Many municipalities choose to enhance their local emergency operations plan with appendices.  This year, DEMHS added additional appendices to the resource list found on their website.  The use of appendices is optional and should be developed to meet the needs of the individual community.  The CVRPC can help you identify which appendices would benefit your community and then help you develop them.

The additional appendices identified in 2017 are as follows and can be found on the DEMHS website in both pdf and word format downloads.  The appendices can and should be modified to meet your particular needs and situation.

  • B8 Continuity of Operations Plan– This document assists local jurisdictions with planning for continuity events, including identifying essential functions, facilities, personnel, and resources. This template includes fillable charts and lists to capture the town data/information so that it is readily accessible and retrievable.
  • B9 Evacuation Plan – This document assists local jurisdictions with planning for municipal evacuations, including access control & security, roles & responsibilities, and documenting available resources. (Courtesy of Local Emergency Planning Commission 6 – Windham Region).  The RPC can assist with the development of evacuation route maps.
  • B10 Debris Management Plan– This document assists local jurisdictions with planning for debris management, including identifying a Debris Manager, Debris Monitor, and Temporary Debris Storage and Reduction Site. Submission of this plan may make the municipality eligible for a one-time benefit of an additional 2% federal share towards eligible debris management costs during a federally-declared disaster.

      Of special note:  During this 2017 submission cycle, if a town submits a Debris       Management Plan (Appendix B10) to the RPC, the RPC must forward that plan     to your DEMHS Regional Coordinator (Emily Harris).  Once DEMHS has the    Debris Management Plan, they will forward it up to FEMA for the potential one- time benefit noted above.

  • C6 Shelter Inspections – This document provides information to local jurisdictions on how shelters will be inspected by the Division of Fire Safety during a disaster.
  • C7 Municipal Guidance for Flood Emergencies – This document assists all types of Vermont town officials, boards, staff, volunteers and others, with considerations and resources related to flooding disasters. The Flood Guide shares actions and steps to be taken by each role at each stage: proactive and advance preparations when a major storm is forecast, actions to be taken during the storm, as well as during recovery. (Courtesy of the Windham Regional Commission, in partnership with Deerfield Watershed Creating Resilient Communities and the University of Massachusetts RiverSmart Communities)


Please be advised, Emily Harris, Vermont Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security reachable by phone at 1-800-347-0488, is our regions DEMHS contact for LEOPs.


Thank you and I look forward to working with you on your 2017 LEOP after March 7th and before May 1st.  Your efforts last year gave our region 100% LEOP compliance, together let’s make 2017 a repeat.
