Municipal Education Grants

Applications for the FY10 Municipal Education Grants (MEGs) will be accepted any time until May 15, 2010 or until available funding runs out, whichever occurs first. MEGs offer up to $800 reimbursement for on-site training of local volunteer officials dealing with land use planning and regulation, including all-boards training.

The MEG Program Description and the quick and simple application form is available online: We are often able to issue a grant agreement within a week of receiving the application.

Please pay special attention to the following points when applying for a MEG:

• Eligible training – MEGs will fund core training on the roles, responsibilities and statutory requirements related to municipal land use planning and regulation. Training on various specific topics that may be of interest to planning commissions and other boards such as energy, stormwater, transportation, natural resources, etc. will not be eligible this year. Training on Ancients Roads, however is eligible. (See page 4 of the Program Description for more detail.)
• Schedule for training – You will have four months to hold the training(s) after receiving a grant agreement. This allows for flexibility in scheduling the training date. Extensions can be granted in some circumstances.
• Read the application instructions carefully. Remember to sign in the gray box on Page 7 (grant agreement form) and submit that form with your application. This will reduce delay in processing your application.

If you have any questions about MEGs please contact Brenda Greika at 802-828-3243, If you have questions about training content, contact Faith Ingulsrud directly at 802-828-5228,
