Notice of Public Hearings – Municipal Plan Reviews

Notice of Public Hearings

The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission will hold electronic public hearings on Monday, September 21, 2020 beginning at 5:00 pm via GoToMeeting software. Join by computer at or by phone at +1 (786) 535-3211, access code: 205-347-085.


The purpose of these hearings is to consider approval of the 2020 Fayston Town Plan, pending adoption by the Selectboard on September 22, 2020; to confirm the Town of Fayston’s planning process under 24 VSA §4350; to consider approval of the Northfield Town Plan 2020-2028, adopted by the Selectboard on August 11, 2020; to confirm the Town of Northfield’s planning process under 24 VSA §4350; and consider the Northfield Town Plan 2020-2028 for an affirmative determination of energy compliance under 24 VSA §4352.


Copies of the plans can be reviewed online at, at the Fayston Municipal Building, at the Northfield Municipal Building, or at the offices of Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, 29 Main Street, Suite 4, Montpelier, during normal business hours. Phone: 802-229-0389.
