Planning for Flood Resilience!

With Act 16 in 2013 Vermont has established flood resilience goals for municipal, regional and state plans. Beginning July 2014 new municipal and regional plans must include a flood resilience element that addresses the goals identified in Chapter 117 §4302.
(14) To encourage flood resilient communities.
(A) New development in identified flood hazard, fluvial erosion, and river corridor protection areas should be avoided. If new development is to be built in such areas, it should not exacerbate flooding and fluvial erosion.
(B) The protection and restoration of floodplains and upland forested areas that attenuate and moderate flooding and fluvial erosion should be encouraged.
(C) Flood emergency preparedness and response planning should be encouraged
A simple SharePoint website has been pulled together to support planners working on flood resilience.   The site has links to data, suggestions, supportive contacts and early drafts.
Please take a look and spread the word !
