Planning for Health Equity Workshop 4/17/24

Please join the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, municipalities, and other health equity partners who care about advancing Health Equity in our region for a workshop event, Planning for Health Equity, at the Old Labor Hall in Barre on April 17th 1-4pm (RSVP below).

Light food and refreshments will be included, and each town that sends a planning commission member or other representative, will get a Walk to Shop trolley for their food shelf/community!

Wondering how to integrate Health Equity into town planning? 

In this workshop we will work with your town plans and bylaws in real time to integrate health equity into the planning process. We will be focusing on food access and transportation. Each participant will walk away with next steps and resources to bring back to your community as you implement planning for health equity in your town!

Please bring with you to the event; town plan (complete or portions you’d like to integrate Healthy Equity into), bylaws, or any other planning materials for us to workshop together using the Vermont Health Equity Toolkit


Part I: Introduction & Toolkit Training (1hr)

  • Health Equity Bingo
  • What is Health Equity? (presentation)
  • Get started with the Toolkit (presentation)

Break before we put it into practice!

Part II: Planning for Health Equity Workshop 

  • Health Equity and Food Access (45min)
    • Planning Process & Key Stakeholder Identification
    • Review/brainstorm roles for municipalities
      • Planning Actions Types (regulatory, community, non regulatory) 
    • Farm to Plate Local Planning for Food Access Toolkit matrix- workshop YOUR town plan!
  • Health Equity and Transportation (45min)
    • Planning Process & Key Stakeholder Identification
    • Municipal Roles and Actions
      • Planning Action Types
    • Activity with transportation matrix and YOUR town plan!

Wrap Up!

Credit: Beth Mueller; Millstone Trails, Barre Town
