Pouliot Avenue Stormwater Mitigation Project Complete

PRESS RELEASE – December 4, 2019

CONTACTS – Pamela DeAndrea, Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission deandrea@cvregion.com, (802) 223-0389

Steve MacKenzie City Manager, Barre City manager@barrecity.org, (802) 476-0241


Barre City has completed a stormwater mitigation project to stabilize a gully at the end of Pouliot Avenue. The project, originally identified through a stormwater assessment by Friends of the Winooski River and Watershed Consulting Associates, LLC, was funded by a Clean Water Block Grant, through the Clean Water Initiative Program, with local match provided by Barre City. The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, in partnership with Barre City, Watershed Consulting Associates, LLC, Civil Engineering Associates, and Avery Excavation, Inc. completed this stormwater mitigation project in early October, 2019. The project involved stabilization of a gully at the end of Pouliot Avenue. The severe erosion which occurred over time and caused this gully to develop was a significant source of sediment and phosphorus to the Stevens Branch and eventually Lake Champlain. The erosion was caused by stormwater runoff from both the outlet of Pouliot Avenue in Barre City and the surrounding hillside in Barre Town. The implementation of this project entailed removing debris accumulated within the gully. The gully was stabilized with stone gabions (blocks of wire baskets filled with stone), vegetated side slopes, retrofitted culvert, and stone stabilization around the culvert. Please contact Pamela DeAndrea or Steve MacKenzie with any questions. The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission assists its member municipalities to provide effective local government and work cooperatively to address regional issues. The Commission also works with area non-profits, other regional organizations, State and Federal agencies, and the public to implement projects and programs tailored to Central Vermont and statewide needs.
