Pre Disaster Mitigation Plan Workshop


Pre Disaster Mitigation Plan Workshop

WHEN: December 14, 2010, 2:00 – 4:00 pm

WHERE: The New East Montpelier Fire Station located at 54 Village Acres (Rte 2 & 14), East Montpelier

WHO: Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission

PRESENTATION SPEAKERS: Ray Doherty from Vermont Emergency Management

WHY: Updated plans and new plans are due in the near future & FEMA has made changes in the PDM plan structure and requirements

RSVP – Jen @

(p) 802-229-0389 (f) 802-223-1977

Come learn about the changes FEMA has made to the PDM plan structure. Also learn about the benefits your town can receive by having a PDM plan such as a PDM-C grant, HMGP grant and funding for hazard mitigation projects (culvert expansion, flood mitigation projects, property acquisition, retrofit projects etc.) Please forward this to those you may think are interested. If you are unable to attend this session, we will be holding another workshop in mid January – details to follow.

Refreshments will be served
