Press Release – Berlin Stormwater Project

PRESS RELEASE – June 18, 2019


The Town of Berlin has completed a Final Design for a stormwater project to

improve drainage at the Berlin Town Offices and Town Garage site. The project,
originally identified in the Berlin 2017 Stormwater Master Plan, will include regrading,
revegetation, a filter strip, and a gravel wetland to treat stormwater at the site to help
protect nearby Pond Brook. Once implemented, these stormwater control measures will
reduce the impact of stormwater flow from this large impervious area making the area
more resilient to future flooding events and improve water quality of receiving waters.
Funding for this project was provided by the Clean Water Block Grant through the Vermont Clean Water Initiative Program, with local match provided by the Town of Berlin.
Please contact Pamela DeAndrea or Dana Hadley with any questions.


CONTACT – Pamela DeAndrea, Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, (802) 223-0389

Dana Hadley
Town Administrator, Town of Berlin, (802) 552-8801
